Embracing Digital Change in the Agricultural Sector
The agricultural industry has faced significant challenges over the past few years, but its ability…
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We’ve been telling our clients about the need for an SSL Certificate for a while and feel it’s time to try and spread the message a little further.
SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and is the technology used for keeping an internet connection secure and protecting any sensitive data that is being transferred over away from criminals who may want to obtain it. Once an SSL Certificate has been installed the application protocol (HTTP) will change to HTTPS. The ‘S’ naturally stands for ‘Secure’ and becomes a clear indication to users that data such as credit card information, bank details, passwords etc will be protected. A clear sign of a secure site will be the browser showing some variation of a Padlock or Green bar next to the URL as a visual representation of security.
Most online payment services require your website to use HTTPS in order to receive payments and it’s no secret that online transactions aren’t slowing down. In fact, it’s estimated that there will be around 1.92 billion global digital buyers in 2019. With this growth comes warnings from Banks and Businesses to be cautious about where you input your personal information. From dedicated web pages to TV adverts, a clear message is being sent to the general public to be cautious when it comes to giving up their details.
The Padlock imagery is also being pushed, with big banks such as Barclays using this in relation to personal data protection information on their website. We expect that soon SSL Certificates will not just be something talked about in certain industries but will become a worldwide expectancy among consumers wanting to part with their information safely.
Google has also made its stance on having a secure site clear. In 2017 Google told users that they would begin flagging sites without SSL Certificates as ‘Not Secure’ on their browser and began implementing this at the end of 2018.
As well as showing sites as ‘Not Secure’ Google has said that they will begin to see being SSL Secure as a Ranking Factor, as they feel it is important to encourage all website owners to switch from HTTP to HTTPS and display themselves as Secure to improve user experience. This affects not only eCommerce platforms but all sites that want to be found and seen as secure by Google.
So, with such a strong message from Banks and the world’s most popular browser, the importance of a secure website grows and it’s up to us to ensure we are meeting consumers demands for a safe and secure way to collect their data when we do business. Becoming secure allows clients to see that you take their personal data security seriously, building trust and increasing the chances that they are willing to buy and interact on your website.
A call to your web agency or marketing company should help get you on your way to a secure site and is something we are encouraging old and new clients alike to implement as soon as possible. For more information on this please email us or call into the office to speak with one of our account managers at 01622 200 045.